CCIS and Distance Learning Requirements

Distance Learning

During this ever changing time for schools, CCIS is doing our best to provide the latest and best information. Although we originally understood that the Distance Learning Plan and Independent Study were to remain separate, on August 4th, CDE provided updated information.  Until the Audit Guide is created, we are unsure of the implications this will have on Independent Study.  CCIS recommends that local educational agencies (LEAs) consult with legal counsel and/or their auditor before making changes to their Distance Learning/Learning Continuity Plans or independent study agreements.

CCIS will continue to provide updates as any new information comes to light

CCIS and other statewide education groups read the Distance Learning requirements as established by SB 98 to be separate and apart from Independent Study requirements and, therefore, disagree with CDE’s interpretation that Distance Learning rules apply to independent study programs.

The State Controller’s Office is currently in the process of updating the Audit Guide in response to SB 98. CCIS is coordinating with other stakeholders in efforts to ensure this particular interpretation of SB 98 does not end up in the audit guide for the 2020-21 school year. In the meantime, CCIS advises educators that are running independent study programs to comply with the recent FAQs on the CDE website. Please refer to Ed Code 43500-43511 to clearly understand the requirements and possible penalties and CCIS recommends you review ways with your staff that you can implement the below requirements:

  • Adopt a learning continuity plan and attendance plan that includes plans for the distance learning program
  • Track and report daily participation
  • Maintain a weekly engagement record for each student documenting synchronous or asynchronous instruction for each whole or partial day of distance learning, verifying daily participation, and tracking assignments
  • Schedule students for a minimum days’ worth of assignments each day as certified to by a certificated employee – (Ed code for teacher credential support) 
  • Develop written procedures for tiered reengagement strategies for all pupils who are absent for more than three school days or 60% of the instructional days in a school week
  •  Provide either daily live interaction or develop an alternative plan for frequent live interaction

Alternative Plan for Frequent Live Interaction

***Pursuant to Education Code Section 43503(b)(6), if daily live interaction is not feasible as part of regular instruction, the governing board or body of the LEA shall develop, with parent and stakeholder input, an alternative plan for frequent live interaction that provides a comparable level of service and school connectedness.”

Alternative Plan for Frequent Live Interaction (?) some ideas to try

  • Daily Home Room offered (a must for any re-engagement student)
  • Discussion based assessments with each teacher
  • Planned Zoom delivery

Daily Live Interaction tracker (SAMPLE)

This is a sample form for you to consider using to meet the requirements. Teachers need to make a copy


  1. Donna Welch

    Is there a sample form to meet the frequent live interaction? This page states there is a form but I do not see one.

  2. Mike Winters

    There is no hyperlink to the sample form to meet the frequent live interaction requirements. Can you please post this form?


    We all would love to see your sample form.

  4. Lynda Yeoman

    Would love to see that sample form. Is there a place to access it?


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