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Changes in Law 2021 – School Finance

School Finance

An unprecedented roller coaster ride for general fund revenues and Proposition 98 funding

While the 2020 Budget Act included a steep decline in general fund (GF) revenue and a $10 billion reduction in the Prop. 98 guarantee, the 2021 Budget Act rebounded with the largest single year growth in GF revenue and the Prop. 98 guarantee ever recorded. Prop. 98 funding dropped to about $71 billion in the 2020 budget, but then soared up to nearly $94 billion in the 2021 budget. This additional state revenue, along with considerable federal funding, allowed the state to create and expand a number of programs and services. This increase in funding, however, did not fully mitigate all the challenges facing LEAs as the Delta-variant of COVID-19 continued to disrupt educational programs and other essential services for children.

We have provided numerous updates regarding the California budget and funding for PK-12 schools and programs, including at our Budget Perspectives Workshops, and provide only a concise summary of the highlights here.

The budget process and TK-12 funding

With the unprecedented volatility in state revenues and Prop. 98 funding, the budget process in 2021 was a little unusual. When it became clear in January that the state would have significant increases in revenue compared with prior budget projections, the Governor proposed a considerable appropriation outside of the usual budget process for schools to provide in-person instruction in the 2020-21 school year and for schools to provide additional learning time for students impacted by the pandemic. This eventually became a $6.6 billion mid-year appropriation to schools contained in AB 86, a bill approved by Governor Newsom in early March.

Major TK-12 components of 2021 Budget Act

Finalizing the 2021 Budget Act was complicated by distractions from the recall election and major changes to state policy related to COVID-19 and “reopening” California. As a consequence, the budget came together late and some actions and clean-up were not taken up until September. Following are the spending highlights from the budget:

The Governor signed the following school finances bills


Budget and Trailer Bills

Local Control Funding Formula

School Finance

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