Senate Proposes to Increase LCFF Spending, but with Increased Accountability

Education Budget Sub-Committee Chair Unveils Budget Proposal to Increase Local Control Funding Formula for K-12 Districts

Today, the State Senate announced a proposal to add $1 billion LCFF base funding and $200 million in corresponding supplemental and concentration grants to the Governor’s 2018-19 LCFF proposal.

According to the announcement, the Senate proposal (which is not yet available), also “contains accountability requirements as a common-sense companion to the increased funding levels. The LCFF transparency proposal requires school districts to disclose actual expenditure information, both budgeted and expended, supporting services for unduplicated pupils to be included in the LCAP summary.”

According to the Senate press release, the proposal assumes that the 2018-2019 budget includes the Governor’s proposed full funding of LCFF, plus provides an additional 2% increase on top of Governor Brown’s proposed 2.5% COLA for a total increase of 4.5%. It goes on to say, “transparency ensures stakeholders are able to understand how supplemental and concentration funds are being spent for unduplicated pupils. Being that this is the last year of Governor Brown’s term, now is the time to ensure a plan for to build on the LCFF reforms for funding and accountability in future years.”

The devil can sometimes hide in the details, so we will provide an analysis when the proposed language is available. In the meantime, you can read the Senate’s entire press release here.


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