Credentialing Update – CTC Provides Credential Flexibility and Program Modifications


On the first day of a two-day meeting, the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) acted yesterday to provide flexibility to teachers, candidates, and preparation programs in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis. As we have written before, the CTC has specific waiver authority over credential requirements that are included in Education Code (EC) or Title 5 regulations, and there was considerable discussion during the meeting about the possibility of an Executive Order (EO) or legislation to address requirements that are out of the CTC’s purview to modify or suspend. While we do anticipate an EO on this matter, the Commission wanted to take whatever action they could to provide some immediate relief to the field.

Provisions in EC and Title 5 give the CTC authority around the following aspects of a teacher or candidate’s credential requirements

  • Deferring the basic skills proficiency test requirement in specific cases, as outlined in EC section 44252.8;
  • Extending or renewing a credential or permit when the holder is unable to complete requirements for renewal/reissuance due to circumstances outlined in Title 5 CCR sections 80496 and 80523;
  • Issuing Variable Term Waiver (VTW) documents to allow candidates additional time to complete requirements for a credential, as outlined in EC section 44225, subdivision (m), subsection (2) and Title 5, CCR sections 80120 – 80125.

Specifically, during yesterday’s meeting, Commissioners took the following actions. The full item is available here.

  1. Authorized the Deferral of the Basic Skills Requirement (BSR)
    Applicants who were unable to complete the BSR examination due to the health and safety restrictions related to COVID-19 between March 19, 2020 and September 1, 2020 will be able to defer CBEST. This deferral is not available for applicants who have previously failed the CBEST examination. The deferral period is one year, beginning with the date the credential is issued.
  2. Identified Hardships Related to COVID-19 as “Good Cause” for Extensions
    Hardships related to COVID-19, will be considered “good cause” for extension requests of one year on eligible credentials and permits. Extensions will require written verification that the credential holder was impacted by COVID-19-related health and safety restrictions and an explanation as to why the credential holder was unable to complete their renewal requirements.
  3. Authorized Renewals of Clear Credentials
    The Commission authorized the renewal of clear teaching or services credentials under the provisions of Title 5, CCR 80496 where the holder was unable to apply for timely renewal due to COVID-19-related health and safety restrictions. These renewals will  be for the full five-year term of the clear credential as of the date of expiration of the renewed credential, resulting in no lapse of validity.
  4. Authorized the Issuance of Variable Term Waivers for Credential Candidates
    The Commission authorized the VTW requests submitted by Commission-approved institutions on behalf of credential candidates that have been impacted by COVID-19. CTC staff will provide a COVID-19-specific waiver request for programs, and once issued, the VTWs will allow candidates an additional year to complete their remaining requirements while still teaching or serving in accordance with their respective credential.

In addition to the actions addressed above, Commissioners granted preparation institutions significant authority in adapting and modifying their programs for candidates who were on track to complete their program between March 19 and September 1 of this year whose preparation was impacted by the pandemic. These modifications will be made only on a temporary basis, and come with the understanding that preparation programs still should be doing what is feasible to prepare their candidates for the teaching profession

The Commission gave programs authority to set the appropriate number of clinical hours for their multiple and single subject preliminary credential candidates, in addition to the appropriate number of formal observations a candidate must undergo. Commissioners also temporarily removed the requirement that Education Specialist candidates work across grade levels and settings. Additionally, the Commission affirmed that induction enrollees would be given a full year’s credit for enrollment in 2019-20, and suspended the precondition that teachers or administrators must hold a preliminary credential before enrolling in an induction program (this will allow the candidates mentioned above in number 4 to enroll in induction while still completing their preliminary requirements on a VTW). The full list of actions is available in the agenda item.

Commission staff released the following notice for programs interested in additional information:

Program Updates Zoom Webinars

The Commission will be hosting a number of Zoom Webinars to share the program flexibilities that the Commission approved at the April 23-24 meeting. Each of these meetings is scheduled for 90 minutes. Staff will share information about each of the areas of flexibility for the type of specified program(s). Staff will also respond to questions and answers from program leaders. Each webinar will be recorded and posted for future viewing.

Additional items addressed during the Commission meeting are covered below, and you can find the full agenda here.

General Session:

Appeals and Waivers Committee

Educator Preparation Committee

Professional Practices Committee

  • 5A: Division of Professional Practices Workload Report Information Item – Staff provided a recap of the number of total cases, cases opened, initial and formal review cases, cases closed, and cases in which an educator has requested an administrative hearing to challenge the recommended disciplinary action.

Certification Committee

Legislative Committee

  • 7A: Status of Legislation
    Information Item – Staff provided an update on relevant legislation, including bills sponsored by the Commission. In addition, staff reviewed an EO issued by Governor Newsom at the outset of the COVID-19 crisis that extended certain deadlines the Commission ordinarily has to meet when processing applications or handling disciplinary actions. Members of the Legislature are significantly reducing their bill packages this year, as there will be limited time once they reconvene to address non-emergency proposals. Despite the unusual circumstances, Commissioners showed particular interest in bills dealing with various teaching assessments, including the CSET (AB 2485, Karla), RICA (SB 614, Rubio), and the CBEST (AB 1982, Cunningham). Unlike other bills with significant associated costs, these bills might withstand the legislative culling because they are little- to no-cost, and could have a positive impact on the teacher pipeline. We will keep you updated as these bills move, stall, or are amended.

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